Grilled Pumpkin – A Savory BBQ Treat for Fall


If you need an excuse to get out on the grill this Thanksgiving, here it is: Grilled Pumpkin. A savory treat that’s easy (provided you are careful cutting the pumpkin) and delicious.

Improvise as you like, pumpkin holds up well to lots of different flavors. Here’s a recipe to guide you.


1 Pumpkin (per 1 lb)
2 tablespoons smoked paprika
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 crushed garlic cloves

1. Prep

Preheat your grill / BBQ for medium-hot, direct grilling. Cut pumpkin into 1/2 inch thick wedges . Deseed

Tip: Leave the skin on so the pumpkin slices stay together. Trim off skin before serving if you like.

2. Mix together

Mix paprika, olive oil and garlic in a bowl with the pumpkin.

3. “Time to sear me some pumpkin”

Grill the pumpkin 3-5 minutes on one side, turn and cook until tender. The pumpkin slides should be fork tender.

November 18th, 2013

Posted In: BBQing HowTos, Vegetables

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