This item is a special order from the manufacturer. Your order will typically ship in 5 to 20 business days.
Shop Vac:
Domestic 3150
Domestic 4020
Domestic 4025
Domestic 4030
Domestic Qps20
Domestic Qps20 Bulldog
Industrial 333
Caster foot nla see ext desc for sub
Sub as follows domestic 4020; 4025(10 gal only); 4030(10&12 gal only); qps20(8 gal only); qps30(8, 10&12 gal); 3150 (8 gal only); takes caster feet sv-8565000.800e takes caster foot sv-4900396. 700a (6 gal) sv-42004200.(10 gal) caster feet sv-4200496 nla
This part no longer available one can sub the caster foot of some model by model info. some model the caster foot is no longer available.
SV-8581500, SV-8581507, 8581500, B005S4DF82