Read Our Customer Reviews
All good. Parts as described on the website and worked properly on my grill. The grill should be good as new now.
Bionaire: W15W9
Heat Surge: 6 76x1Adl2000mxB CCsM2007M2008M2009M5
Heat Surge Continued: M6Mx1Mx23aMx5Mx5aMx5bMx5cMx5c-sW1W10W16W17W18W1aW5X1X23aX5aX5bX5cX5c-sY10
Masterbuilt: M7
Royal: X5
This part may fit other models. Please contact us if you require additional assistance.
W9 flame synchro motor (long wires) all
All models, wires direct to mpcb (not s8).
HS-30000217, HS-30000443, 30000217, 30000443
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