This item is a special order from the manufacturer. Your order will typically ship in 5 to 20 business days.
Warming rack q3200 '14
WEB69929, 69929
This product contains Nickel and Nickel Compounds which is listed in: Prop 65, IARC Carcinogens-1, CA TACs, NTP 13th RoC - known, OEHHA RELs, CWA 303(d), and CWA 303(c) at the following website:
Este producto contiene níquel y derivados del níquel, listados en Prop 65, IARC Carcinogens-1, CA TACs, NTP 13th RoC (conocidos), OEHHA RELs, CWA 303(d) y CWA 303(c). Las listas están disponibles en el siguiente sitio web: