Different manufacturers can have the exact same part number. A great way to check that the part matches your appliance is by ensuring your measurements are the same as ours! Please contact us if you need help.
This part may fit other models. Please contact us if you require additional assistance.
Soft wick filter skuttle
12 1/2 x 11 x 1 1/2
12 1/2x11x1 1/2 was hard wick but now sub to soft wick. oem is nla this is aftermarket. no longer comes with item with 10 holes in it. o/s we5b
A04-1725-045, 1725-045, 1725-45, 1725045, A04-1725-45, A041725045, A4-1725-045, A4-1725-45, B0CPTCPCT1