Part NEX1152374

Ventilation piece...

      My order showed up as promised. It was easy to search and find the part number that I was looking for. I won’t hesitate to order from you in the future.

August 18, 2022

Just a sec! Please check this part matches your model:

Different manufacturers can have the exact same part number. Make sure to check your part links to one of our models! Please contact us if you need help.

This part fits 3 models

Nexgrill: 720-0335

Perfect Flame: 720-0335 730-0335

This part may fit other models. Please contact us if you require additional assistance.

$11.50 Backordered
Usually ships in 30 - 90 days

Secure Transaction

Part: NEX1152374

Category: Handles

Part Description

Ventilation piece handle for 720-0677

This part is also known as:

1152374, NEX1152374