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Right part, great price, and a web page that was easy to navigate. I was able to order the exact part that I needed without using a "universal fit" replacement. Excellent experience. ?
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Profire: Pf27gPf27gihPf27rPf27rihPf36gPf36gihPf36rPf36rihPf40rsPf48gPf48gih
Profire Continued: Pf48rPf48rihPf48rsPf48rsihPf48sPf48sihPfdsbPfsm27gPfsm27rPfsm36gPfsm36rPfsm48sPfssb
This part may fit other models. Please contact us if you require additional assistance.
Push button ignitor, 1 wire
Please note: pro fire ignitors are not model specific. you must match by spec. same as mhp igeib-b. this is a 1 wire ignitor. igeibb
40PF48RS, 201132, PF2011-32, IGEIBB
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